So MySpace is taking forever to load at the moment making it near impossible to do anything so I decided to post this.
My phone.
Still won't work.
I am still pissed.
Even more pissed then I was.
And I am sick of ICKY THUMP!!
And so I was mad and started chewing on my arm.....And gave myself a hickey.
-Erika K.
Monday, April 21, 2008
What Kalyn Has Learned
These were written by my friend Kalyn. I asked her if I could post them and she said I could as long as I didn't take credit for them, which of course I would never do. I thought they were really great and so I wanted to share them, so here they are.
I have learned when I boy says "Lets take a break from one another" it just means he's cheating on you, or he's just breaking up with you.
I have learned when I boy says "Lets take a break from one another" it just means he's cheating on you, or he's just breaking up with you.
When God calls you; go to Him, whether it's some where you want to go or not.
If there's ever a chance a conversation can get uncomfortable, iffy, or dangerous go ahead and dive into it anyway.
If you ever get the chance to do this reach into some one's heart and don't be afraid to pull on some vital arteries, and try to rebuild some of that torn tissue.
Try to catch your friends if ever they fall, let them fall on you.
Don't lie. Honesty is one of the best things God gave us.
Love unconditionally even if your not loved back.
Introduce your friends to your family.
Listen don't just hear.
Cry but, don't weep and never, ever feel sorry for yourself.
Be joyous not just happy.
Laugh don't giggle, be loud when it's appropriate, be quiet when it's not.
Don't shy away from your imperfections, embrace them and love them.
Don't hide your truest self from any one, be your full self always.
Sing when ever you get the urge to.
Indulge, but not too much.
Live but not too fully.
Be open but, don't get hurt.
Learn to laugh at yourself.
Don't be conceited.
Say thank you when someone gives you a compliment.
Take some time with a friend and do nothing, but talk and laugh.
Love the world God gave us.
Demand respect.
Do as your told.
Do not love without reason.
Hug always.
Unspoken words can say so much.
Write what you feel not what you think.
See don't just look.
Feel don't just touch.
When you cry try to be happy, and feel at the same time.
Boil things, and see what they come down to.
Well Damn
I put the battery back in my phone and the damn thing still won't work. I am very pissed. And now the damn thing just started ringing and when I opened it the screen was black and now it's restarting itself again.
I am now going to the Verizon site to look at prices of cell phones. -_-
I am now going to the Verizon site to look at prices of cell phones. -_-
Mobile blog disaster
Okay so I thought it'd be cool to use the mobile blog feature on blogger and post blog posts from my cell phone when something exciting happened.
Well I clicked on the thing to read about what to do and I did what it said and when I got the text with the little code thing my phone restarted on me and now whenever I try to open my text inbox my phone restarts!
I am very pissed off at this because I've tried everything from erasing all the text messages in the inbox [I can do this without accessing the folder itself], turning the phone off then back on and taking the battery out. So far nothing has worked. Right now I have the battery out and I'm waiting a while before sticking it back in and HOPEFULLY that will work. If not I will be VERY pissed and may even have to get a new phone if I can't figure out what to do to fix it.
Well I clicked on the thing to read about what to do and I did what it said and when I got the text with the little code thing my phone restarted on me and now whenever I try to open my text inbox my phone restarts!
I am very pissed off at this because I've tried everything from erasing all the text messages in the inbox [I can do this without accessing the folder itself], turning the phone off then back on and taking the battery out. So far nothing has worked. Right now I have the battery out and I'm waiting a while before sticking it back in and HOPEFULLY that will work. If not I will be VERY pissed and may even have to get a new phone if I can't figure out what to do to fix it.
Happy birthday Kalyn!
I meant to post this yesterday but I forgot... -_-
I had fun on your birthday weekend and I hope you enjoyed it too!
And that incense you gave in the goody bag smells very nice in my room along with the bath fizz which is just sitting on my dresser right now giving off a very lovely smell.
And this entire post is in your favorite color to honor your day of birth!
Okay, I'm done now.
So happy 15th birthday Kalyn!
Oh, and I almost forgot this random fact.
I never realized that we're the same age for a few months after your birthday and before mine...Hm. xD
I had fun on your birthday weekend and I hope you enjoyed it too!
And that incense you gave in the goody bag smells very nice in my room along with the bath fizz which is just sitting on my dresser right now giving off a very lovely smell.
And this entire post is in your favorite color to honor your day of birth!
Okay, I'm done now.
So happy 15th birthday Kalyn!
Oh, and I almost forgot this random fact.
I never realized that we're the same age for a few months after your birthday and before mine...Hm. xD
Monday, April 14, 2008
I clicked on new post and the music went bye bye...
Anyway, on to my update...
So there's a lot of drama and shit going on right now but I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about and if you don't you probably either don't care or don't need to know. But some of you may not know fully but still whatever I don't give a shit.
Well that was happy....
Okay so on to a lighter topic...
I've been wanting red eyeshadow for some time now and today it finally hit me.
I have a red eye pencil.
I have eyeshadow applicators.
I can use the eye pencil on my upper lid and smudge it with the eyeshadow applicator so that it looks like eyeshadow.
God, I'm pure genius, no?
I'd put up a pic...But when I tried to take one you couldn't really see my make-up so it would be pointless...
Oh! And I watched two horror movies this weekend! ....That's a big deal for me, okay!?
I also won second place in the CrossPointe art fair with my entry which was a bunch of earrings I made so that made me happyy. =]
.....I guess that's all for now....Oh, and the micro SD card for my phone didn't come today...It better come tomorrow though.

Anyway, on to my update...
So there's a lot of drama and shit going on right now but I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about and if you don't you probably either don't care or don't need to know. But some of you may not know fully but still whatever I don't give a shit.
Well that was happy....
Okay so on to a lighter topic...
I've been wanting red eyeshadow for some time now and today it finally hit me.
I have a red eye pencil.
I have eyeshadow applicators.
I can use the eye pencil on my upper lid and smudge it with the eyeshadow applicator so that it looks like eyeshadow.
God, I'm pure genius, no?
I'd put up a pic...But when I tried to take one you couldn't really see my make-up so it would be pointless...
Oh! And I watched two horror movies this weekend! ....That's a big deal for me, okay!?
I also won second place in the CrossPointe art fair with my entry which was a bunch of earrings I made so that made me happyy. =]
.....I guess that's all for now....Oh, and the micro SD card for my phone didn't come today...It better come tomorrow though.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
It's no surprise.
Vampire: You have been bitten and drank another's blood. You have faster reflexes than hybrids and humans but you are not the top of the food chain. You have a sanguine addiction (an addiction to blood) that is constant and will get you into trouble if you're not careful. Bullets and other such weapons have little effect on you but there are a few specialized weapons that can put you in your grave quickly. You are a vampire, so of course you have fangs suited for the job.

They don't call it blogthings for nothing xD
Okay so I've been addicted to taking quizzes for quite sometime now but I've never really had a place to put them or anything 'cause I don't want to clutter my MySpace with them and then it hit me. My fave site to take them on is called BLOGthings so I should put them on my BLOG. Yeah, I know that I'm an idiot but for some reason it just never hit me. Anyway, here are a few that I just took
You Are 56% Good |
You are a fairly good person. You strive to live a moral life whenever possible. You are usually kind, generous, and loyal. However, you do have a dark side that even you may not see. When it comes down to ethical decisions, you tend to take the path of least resistance. So you may end up lying, cheating, or engaging in other bad behavior... because it's just easier to do so. You are also probably: Conflicted and confused about the current course of your life Right now you are on track to being: A slightly crooked politician To be a better person: Break one bad habit - whether it's telling white lies or spending too much money. |
Your Depression Level: 24% |
You may be depressed. While you can be moody, your moods generally fall within the range of normal. It's up to you to decide if you're depressed... or if you're simply having a bad week. |
Are You Depressed?
This is a very good improvement considering the last time I took that it said I was like 95% depressed.
This is a very good improvement considering the last time I took that it said I was like 95% depressed.
You Are a Purple Crayon |
Your world is colored in dreamy, divine, and classy colors. You hold yourself to a sky high standard, and you are always graceful. People envy, idolize, and copy you without realizing it. You are an icon for those who know you. And while it is hard to be a perfectionist, rest assured it's paying off! Your color wheel opposite is yellow. While yellow people may be wise, they lack the manners and class needed to impress you. |
I didn't get to post yesterday! =[
I was going to post at school...But I figured that might not be such a good idea. xD
And when I got home I got busy with email and MySpace and completely forgot. :O
The horror!
Anywayy, yesterday was quite a good day. I went to school and during web design class everyone commented on how much they loved the earrings that I made and how they would buy them if I was selling them, so I'll probably be doing that veryy soon. ;]
I also met this guy and don't go thinking "Omg, she likes someonee!" 'cause well I don't like him in that way...But he's a very funn guy and very funny with the kinda sense of humor I have and like so yeah, hopefully I'll be seeing more of him and we can be friendss. I like friendss. :D
Also at cotillion class we learned table manners and that sort of thing and were with the guys for the first time and we were escorted. That was interesting. The guy who picked me I had never met before and didn't even know his name. xD And 4 of the guys [including the one who picked me] had to escort two girls because there are more girls than guys. So yeah, I didn't even end up sitting with the dude who picked me. But half way through this other guy [who I have met before] ended up sitting next to be and being my "escort" 'cause the girl he picked had to leave. So in the end I had a good time, even though I was kinda nervous at first about who would pick me and all that but it was funn. And next week we'll be learning dancing. First we'll just be with the girls but the week after we'll be together with the guys again so that should prove interesting again as well. :D
I was going to post at school...But I figured that might not be such a good idea. xD
And when I got home I got busy with email and MySpace and completely forgot. :O
The horror!
Anywayy, yesterday was quite a good day. I went to school and during web design class everyone commented on how much they loved the earrings that I made and how they would buy them if I was selling them, so I'll probably be doing that veryy soon. ;]
I also met this guy and don't go thinking "Omg, she likes someonee!" 'cause well I don't like him in that way...But he's a very funn guy and very funny with the kinda sense of humor I have and like so yeah, hopefully I'll be seeing more of him and we can be friendss. I like friendss. :D
Also at cotillion class we learned table manners and that sort of thing and were with the guys for the first time and we were escorted. That was interesting. The guy who picked me I had never met before and didn't even know his name. xD And 4 of the guys [including the one who picked me] had to escort two girls because there are more girls than guys. So yeah, I didn't even end up sitting with the dude who picked me. But half way through this other guy [who I have met before] ended up sitting next to be and being my "escort" 'cause the girl he picked had to leave. So in the end I had a good time, even though I was kinda nervous at first about who would pick me and all that but it was funn. And next week we'll be learning dancing. First we'll just be with the girls but the week after we'll be together with the guys again so that should prove interesting again as well. :D
I am Christymas
I believe this is indeed very true about me. I notice the smallest things and treasure them forever, I'm very nostalgic and I do seem to give gifts to everyone I know. I also love telling stories. So much so that I will tell the same one to the same person more than once and if I do that to you then just slap me. :D
You Are Christmas |
More than most people, you are able to find magic in life's small moments. Traditions mean a lot to you, and you tend to be quite nostalgic. You are a giving, kind person who really understands the true meaning of holidays. You inspire others to be as altruistic and caring as you are. What makes you celebrate: Tradition and a generous spirit At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The storyteller. You like to recount memories with everyone. On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: Give a gift to everyone you know |
Monday, April 7, 2008
Butt fine && Chris :D
Soooo I have a fine butt. :D
No. Really. I do.
Okay so mayyybe not but whatev.
Anyway...Kay-Leeny-Weeny said fine butt...Or thought I said fine butt...I don't really remember what was said all I remember was it came out I said she said I have a fine butt...Or something like that....Anywayyy.......On to other matters.....

And that is all.
No. Really. I do.
Okay so mayyybe not but whatev.
Anyway...Kay-Leeny-Weeny said fine butt...Or thought I said fine butt...I don't really remember what was said all I remember was it came out I said she said I have a fine butt...Or something like that....Anywayyy.......On to other matters.....

And that is all.
Laundry day...
So today is laundry day....And I haven't done my laundry yet. I'm supposed to be getting it ready right now...And I'm not. I'm watching Monk. That man has to be the worst OCD ever. And it's so fun to watch him....I guess next commercial break I'm going to go start my laundry...And I just noticed that I'm starting to wear a smooth spot on the space bar of my keyboard....There are already two on the mouse where my thumb and first finger go....That's what you call spending a lot of time on the computer. :D
Sunday, April 6, 2008
NCIS && nail stickerss
Saturday, April 5, 2008
The first of the endless ramblings :D
Sooo, I've decided to start a blog full of the random stuff that fills my days.
Sooo yesterday I painted my toenails blue. Yay!
Then I spent the rest of the day on the phone with my friend and watching Law & Order SVU and on MySpace. Wee. What fun, right!? xD
Here is a picture of my lovely blue toenails. :D
Sooo yesterday I painted my toenails blue. Yay!
Then I spent the rest of the day on the phone with my friend and watching Law & Order SVU and on MySpace. Wee. What fun, right!? xD
Here is a picture of my lovely blue toenails. :D

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