Today I went for the biopsy on my thyroid.
It wasn't all that bad. It was having to get up early that I didn't want to do.
But I did.
The procedure itself was fine.
They gave me 2 shots of pain killer to numb my neck.
Those stung some at first but then they started working and it was all good.
Then they stuck me with the needle and used the ultra sound thing to guide it and see where it was and what they were doing and got some stuff out to test.
They were really nice and told me everything they did before they did it and asked if I was okay a lot.
Which I was.
I went to sleep in the middle of it.
All in all it wasn't really bad, I mean I took a nap during it.
But they said we should know the results by Monday or Tuesday.
The numbness in my neck is finally wearing off.
It doesn't hurt, but it is kind of sore and I have several little pin pricks or what have you where they poked me with needles and a faded black dot from the sharpie they marked me with.
That's pretty much it for now...
I'll post again when I know the results.
As for now I'm headed off to my friend's sixteenth birthday party!
It should be a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to it.
And I believe that is all so until next time....
<3 erika k.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Thyroid update...
Well my mom just called. She said the doctor called and he said it was a cold nodule-meaning it didn't take up the dye. That doesn't mean it's cancer (They'd said if it was hot it definitely wasn't and if it was cold it could possibly be.) but they're going to do the biopsy to make sure and all that other fun stuff. The appointment for it could possibly be Tuesday at 9 depending on if the radiology clinic is available or something...They said they'd get back to us on that. Not looking forward to the early time though. -_-
<3 erika k.
<3 erika k.
Finally...A real update.
Okay so it's been months since my last post and it was only a quiz so you haven't heard what's actually going on in my life in ages. So here goes...
March 1-We had a snow day here in Griffin, GA. It probably doesn't seem like a big deal to you northerners, but to us down here it's a real treat.
March 2-Discovered a lump on my neck after feeling it because it was sore.
March 6-Saw friends and friends' mom's who said it was probably to do with my thyroid and I should go see a doctor. I did that afternoon and he said it was my thyroid and they drew some blood.
This is where the dates get fuzzy so I'll just tell you what happened.
The blood work came back normal so I went for an ultra sound and they discovered there was indeed a mass on my right thyroid so they scheduled me a consultation with a surgeon to see what the next step was.
March 25-Went to the surgeon for the consultation and he said I needed to get a nuclear scan on it and they scheduled an appointment at the hospital for that.
March 30-Went to the hospital waited forever and then took this pill they gave me. Apparently it's a rather dangerous/strong pill. They had it in a sealed test tube which was inside a metal box. I couldn't eat salty foods for the rest of the day. Do you know how many foods have salt in them? I ended up eating plain spaghetti noodles with a little bit of butter and Parmesan cheese on them for supper.
March 31-Went back for the scan. They took me back to a room with one of those yellow signs that said something about caution nuclear something or other and the doctor had to punch in a code just so we could get in...The scan itself wasn't painful or anything. I just laid on a table and the thing spun moved around me and they took pictures of it and moved the machine at different angles and told me to turn my head certain ways and stuff. It took maybe 15-20 minutes in all. They said we should get the results in maybe 3 business days.
April 1-Today. I went to CrossPointe. It was a half day so Grandmommy and Granddaddy picked me up and took me out to eat at Zaxby's. Before we left though my mom got a call from the doctor saying he wanted to schedule me for some big worded test I don't remember exactly but basically they want to do a biopsy guided by a sonogram. It had a fancy name...I don't remember it though but that's basically what it will be.
I'm not all that worried about it. I think the people around me are more worried than I am. Everytime I turn around someone else is saying they're praying for me. It's nice to know they're concerned.
In other news...
In Cotillion class today we started learning The Swing. Much different from the box step waltz we learned last year. I'm really looking forward to Cotillion this year as Josh will be going with me. I have to teach him the swing and possibly the waltz (I have to ask my teacher if we'll be doing it as well this year.) because he doesn't go to CrossPointe and can't attend the classes.
Well that seems to be all for now. I'll keep you updated on the whole thyroid situation.
Until then...
<3 erika k.
March 1-We had a snow day here in Griffin, GA. It probably doesn't seem like a big deal to you northerners, but to us down here it's a real treat.
March 2-Discovered a lump on my neck after feeling it because it was sore.
March 6-Saw friends and friends' mom's who said it was probably to do with my thyroid and I should go see a doctor. I did that afternoon and he said it was my thyroid and they drew some blood.
This is where the dates get fuzzy so I'll just tell you what happened.
The blood work came back normal so I went for an ultra sound and they discovered there was indeed a mass on my right thyroid so they scheduled me a consultation with a surgeon to see what the next step was.
March 25-Went to the surgeon for the consultation and he said I needed to get a nuclear scan on it and they scheduled an appointment at the hospital for that.
March 30-Went to the hospital waited forever and then took this pill they gave me. Apparently it's a rather dangerous/strong pill. They had it in a sealed test tube which was inside a metal box. I couldn't eat salty foods for the rest of the day. Do you know how many foods have salt in them? I ended up eating plain spaghetti noodles with a little bit of butter and Parmesan cheese on them for supper.
March 31-Went back for the scan. They took me back to a room with one of those yellow signs that said something about caution nuclear something or other and the doctor had to punch in a code just so we could get in...The scan itself wasn't painful or anything. I just laid on a table and the thing spun moved around me and they took pictures of it and moved the machine at different angles and told me to turn my head certain ways and stuff. It took maybe 15-20 minutes in all. They said we should get the results in maybe 3 business days.
April 1-Today. I went to CrossPointe. It was a half day so Grandmommy and Granddaddy picked me up and took me out to eat at Zaxby's. Before we left though my mom got a call from the doctor saying he wanted to schedule me for some big worded test I don't remember exactly but basically they want to do a biopsy guided by a sonogram. It had a fancy name...I don't remember it though but that's basically what it will be.
I'm not all that worried about it. I think the people around me are more worried than I am. Everytime I turn around someone else is saying they're praying for me. It's nice to know they're concerned.
In other news...
In Cotillion class today we started learning The Swing. Much different from the box step waltz we learned last year. I'm really looking forward to Cotillion this year as Josh will be going with me. I have to teach him the swing and possibly the waltz (I have to ask my teacher if we'll be doing it as well this year.) because he doesn't go to CrossPointe and can't attend the classes.
Well that seems to be all for now. I'll keep you updated on the whole thyroid situation.
Until then...
<3 erika k.
Monday, January 26, 2009
What kind of friend I am.
Your Friendship Style is Independent |
You love your friends, but you don't always need them as much as they need you. You like to do your own thing. Sometimes this means taking a break from your friends and carving your own path. As long as your friends give you the space you need, you are happy to be there for them whenever you can. Your friends lean on you for advice and problem solving. You tend to be "the rock." You and an Empathetic Friend: Go well together. Your Empathetic Friend understand and accepts you... but may be too needy sometimes. You and a Gregarious Friend: Get along well, as long as your Gregarious Friend is happy to only see you occasionally. You and another Independent Friend: Have a love / hate thing going on. When you agree, things are blissful. However, more often than not, you butt heads. You and a Philosophical Friend: Are somewhat a matter of opposites attract. You're both thinkers, but you think very differently. |
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
In the new year...
Okay so I'm always complaining that I'm fat and I FINALLY have proof that NO ONE can argue with. Okay so I'm not fat fat but I'm DEFF not skinny and beautiful. Anyway, the pics that prove this will be at the end of this post.
Anyway, upon seeing these pics I have decided that in 2009 I will exercise regularly and actually stick to a diet. I'm waiting til then so all the holiday eating will be over and all. But yeah, if I don't look better than this soon I will shoot myself in the head. And now for the proof that no one can argue with.

Anyway, upon seeing these pics I have decided that in 2009 I will exercise regularly and actually stick to a diet. I'm waiting til then so all the holiday eating will be over and all. But yeah, if I don't look better than this soon I will shoot myself in the head. And now for the proof that no one can argue with.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
If you would please direct your attention to the right side of the page if you scroll down some you will notice a little green box with a mushroom background. That is my pingbox. You can enter a nickname and type messages in it and IM me-without downloading yahoo messenger or having a screen name. I don't have to be on my blog to see what you say either-it will pop up as a regular IM window for me. It's very cool so try it out. Can't wait to hear from you. =]
<3 erika k.
<3 erika k.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Strawberries && Lilies
They both sound a lot like me.
You Are a Strawberry |
You are friendly, outgoing, and well liked by many people. You are popular, but there's nothing you ordinary or average about you. You a very interesting person, and you have many facets to your personality. Sometimes you feel very conflicted. Your different sides of your personality pull at you. You are a very sensual and passionate person. You are fiery... you can't help it. In general, you keep your passionate side under wraps. You are only wild in private. |
What A Lily Says About You |
You are playful, flirty, and friendly. You can easily light up a room... or someone's heart. Your unique personality attracts a lot of attention! Your cute ways get you in trouble. People can't help but be a little jealous of you. |
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