Anyway, upon seeing these pics I have decided that in 2009 I will exercise regularly and actually stick to a diet. I'm waiting til then so all the holiday eating will be over and all. But yeah, if I don't look better than this soon I will shoot myself in the head. And now for the proof that no one can argue with.

Okay so.
I actually like these pics.
I found them to be very real.
I like the one where your laughing it's qiuet beautiful.
And yes Erika.
You are beautiful.
Inside and out.
But if you don't want to believe that there's nothing I can do about it.
But I do hope you'll keep your new years resolution.
That sounds like a good idea.
Whether or not you actually need it or not, exercise is good for ANYBODY that looks like ANYTHING, and it's also good for the mind too.
Eating healthy will stay with you forever.
I hope you live a long and happy life Erika.
You are beautiful, and I wish you could see that.
You have no reason to think otherwise.
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